The Father Says Today: August 23rd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that I have seated you in heavenly places in Christ. You are not intended to live under the crushing burden of adversity originating from the hearts of those who do not see you as I see you. Despair not when detractors multiply against you for My name sake. There is not one enemy who rises up against you that I will not make your footstool. Face the challenges of difficult people from the posture of being seated at My right hand. Your life is lived out under My superintendence. Keep trusting. Stay sweet in your soul. Refuse to become bitter or contentious.
In the heat of the circumstances around you I will establish the rod of My strength and power. You will feel yourself drawing from My supernatural resources and not your own human frailties. These things are all the enemy’s strategy to distract you from the calling and the election I have summoned you to. Your days are in My hand. I have not changed My mind about your assignment. Stay faithful to that which I have called you to do and see the assault of hell against you be brought to nothing.

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