The Father Says Today: August 22nd, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I will not allow you to be marginalized in the earth. Others may ignore and pass you on by but I am not ignoring you. There may be those who have denied the still, small voice prompting them in your direction but know this – I will never leave you nor forsake you. I choose you. I choose you says the Father and even as I stand at the door and knock – behold I am entering in. I am entering in to sup with you and you with Me. I will give you to eat of the hidden manna – even that bread of heaven that was laid up in store by Moses in the ark of the covenant.
It is the fresh, baked bread of My promise that is laid before you on My table. There is a place for you here by Me and it is there I have commanded the ravens to feed you. Though all around you may come up empty and famished I will fill you and I will fill your life with every good thing. Open your mouth wide says the Father and I will fill it. Expect the dividends of the cross to become the descriptors of what is about to happen in your life. Even this day – this very day you are stepping into a greater favor. The enemy’s hand is being broken. His strategy against you will come to failure and you will come out of the fire of adversity without even the smell of smoke on your garments.

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