The Father Says Today: August 22nd, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says you are in Me and I am in you. All things are subject to Me therefore all things are subject to you for you are in Me and in Me you live and move and have your being. The scripture cannot be broken. My fidelity in your circumstance establishes the effectiveness of My word in your earth. I am not a man that I can lie – what I said I will do for you are the entitled heir of a royal house and the privilege of heaven rests upon your brow this day.
You are authorized now. Ruling and reigning is not in a far off sometime or somewhere. You rule and reign now. You are a principality and a power now. Rise up and with the rod of your mouth smite the back of the oppressor and know that all of heaven’s martial forces are unleashed to back My words in your mouth. It is who you are and what you do for I am perfecting Myself in you this day.

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