The Father Says Today: August 21st, 2017

The Father says today, My kingdom does not come with observation. There is nothing passive about walking in My kingdom or pursuing after the kingdom. I have called you to dominance in the earth over all the manifestations of darkness around you. My kingdom is a kingdom that responds to the actions, initiatives and visions of God minded people. The sleeping giant that is My people is about to awaken and shake herself. Be shaken says the Father. Become one who is no longer embarrassed, merely praying for boldness. You know Me! You are dominant because I am on the inside of you. This is your natural state. Join yourself with those of like mind so that you rise up as lights in the world that dispel all darkness. This is your mandate. This is where elusive success that you’ve been trying to figure out is going to be found.
Step into the initiatives of My kingdom says the Father. Organize, plan and act. Organize how to bring those together of like mind and spirit. Do it now. No more delay. No more excuses. Plan just how you and those like you are going to pass the tests at hand and become empowered to do and to be what I have called you to do and be. Go forth in your day and ACT! Take action. Take radical action and I will meet you. My ability will meet your audacity and cause vision to become a reality. You will create, renew and establish things that other people only thought about. You will step into invention and creativity where usually only the world will go. You will be a trendsetter and go where the dead traditions of a limp, lifeless relic of the past cannot and will not go. This is who you are. This is what you are called to. This is where integrity, authenticity and validity become the underpinning of highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled.

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