The Father Says Today: August 20th, 2017

The Father says today, you are not disqualified. You are not disqualified in My kingdom, so don’t disqualify yourself by what you do and don’t do in times when you are under pressure. What is it that you can release in My name that I will not breath on and prosper? Go ahead and invest. Go ahead and give out. Go ahead and live sacrificially, for I am working in your life to bless everything that leaves your life as an investment in kingdom principles. Make the adjustments, says the Father. I haven’t lied to you. I am not a liar in wait to bring you to impoverishment or disappointment. Make a commitment and take your stand in a radical way.
Put on hope, says the Father. In spite of every contrary situation and condition of your life, put on hope. No matter what you think is against you or who is against you choose to have hope. Have the audacity of hope and the conspicuous hope that what I have promised in My word is attainable to you now and not just in the distant ephemeral future. I will bless you in your work and I will bless you in your home. I will make your life to be a little bit of heaven to go to heaven in. Adopt this as your default posture toward every day that you rise to meet. Rise up in hope and pay forward in all your actions and decisions the thankfulness for what I have done, yes but also for what I have promised I will do. Invest, spend and give toward your dreams and the dreams of others until all is brought to pass and your rejoicing is not just a faith proposition but a real and present blessing.

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