The Father Says Today: August 1st, 2017

The Father says today I will bring My people together. Unity will come one way or the other in the earth among My people. What I would do by design I will, when necessary compel to come to pass. This is a time to determine in your heart what solidarity with My people looks like in your life. I am a God that sets the solitary in families. Everything I do in the earth is done within the fellowship of saints who choose to yes to My yes and flow with the transition that I am bringing about. When you come together in agreement nothing that you agree upon will fail to be done. This is the principle of Matthew 18. However few My people might be – they are in the majority when they walk in solidarity and unity that brings the oil – even the oil that flowed down Aaron’s beard to establish My kingdom upon the earth.
Step into the transition I am bringing says the Father. I am not interested in warehousing My people in cloistered groups shut away from the world. It is time to spill out of the salt shaker and into the world. I have not prayed that you be taken out of the world but that you be kept from the evil. Be not afraid for I have overcome the world and I am on the inside of you. It is time to blow the roof off of the culture of Christianity and actually be that light on the hill that I designed you to be. The Saul mentality in leadership is coming down. My Davids are coming forth to accept the mantle of leadership in Hebron. The third anointing that leads to rule and enthronement is out there. It is coming and blessed be all of those who press into it.

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  • Thank you for being a part of His confirmation! I am in the process of developing my website I am taking His heart and my art to those outside of the 4 walls. So excited about loving those whom He loves. He is sending me to the astrologers, stargazers, those in the new age arena. Again thank you, your words are truth!
    Shalom, Debra

  • Many years ago, the Lord told me that I would “see” the Body of Christ coming together. I discern His much more than sufficient grace enlightening the hearts and minds of His people at much deeper levels of understanding and revelation knowledge. He is at work, answering the Apostle Paul’s Ephesians 1:17-18 prayer, voiced by His people. Today’s Word is one of the confirmations that what I “see” is indeed what I see. Hallelujah! So grateful for His ministry in you and carry you all in my heart before Him. Blessings to you.