The Father Says Today: August 1st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that My kindness is your portion this day. The riches of My grace are being made manifest in kindness and mercy over your life. You cried out to Me for clemency and clemency was granted. The impeding destruction by the hand of the enemy was destroyed and I have now set your feet upon the rock of My trustworthiness. No more fear. No more intimidation. No more listening to the lies of the enemy. I am your defense and your strong tower. No man shall set upon you to hurt you or harm you in any way. My name is a tower of strength and protection made available to you says the Father – run into the high tower of My name. The destructions of the enemy and the strategy of hell against you is being overturned even now. This is My kindness to you and the demonstrations of My mercy.
So mount up this day on the wings of My Spirit and see the circumstance from My perspective. You are not weak for I am your strength. You are not in jeopardy for no man can pluck you from My hand. You will not be denied because I live on the inside of you and I will not be denied. Shall anything or anyone separate you from My favor and My lovingkindess. I see the desire of your heart. I know the heart’s cry that has come up continually before Me. Do you trust Me? Then let Me take it from here. Listen to My voice and make the adjustments and changes that I am making clear to you now. Refuse to be distracted. Refuse to be intimidated. The gates and bars of impediment will hold you no longer for My Spirit is within you and where My Spirit is there is liberty.

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