The Father Says Today: August 1st, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today you are My blood-covenant partner. Your relationship to Me is not maintained by some religious lifestyle or stilted pseudo-spiritual affectation or way of thinking. Beloved, I am your ALL-IN-ALL do not allow the enemy to taunt you with dead religious vanities. I bequeath to you the Substance of Myself. I impart to you the full measure of the stature of Christ. I am living and moving and acting in your life on the basis of the shed blood of Christ. The blood that was shed is the total basis of your entitlement of all that heaven affords.
I am not waiting upon some inconsequential “someday” to be who I am to you. I am NOW your healer and NOW your provider and NOW the resolution to every challenge you face. Rejoice says the Father! Rejoice and be glad for your blessing time has come and nothing shall overthrow or hinder My more-than-you-can-ask-or-think plan. Let My “yes” be answered with your “yes” today and then let Me work out the details. All things are possible says the Father and I will not allow you to live one more day outside of the full bandwidth of My favor.

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  • Jacqueline says:

    Praise the Lord ! I received every letter of that word by faith , I decree & declare that I am a Blood Covenant Partner with God & everything here & now & there & then is all based on the Precious Shed Blood of Jesus & not dependant on me but on the finished work on the cross. Therefore when God looks upon me He sees the blood sacrifice of His only begotten Son, Therefore I rejoice in knowing this , for my blessing time has come & nothing shall overthrow or hinder God’s plan & I will not live one more day outside the bandwidth of God’s favour , which surrounds me continuously like a shield . Praise the Lord forever more , Blessed be the Name of the Lord . Thank you so much Prophets Russ & Kitty , I really appreciate that word from God , it changes our lives forever, for its the revelation of truth that sets us free, which you are imparting to so graciously, Thank you for taking the time for this, God bless you richly & take you where you have never been, Amen, Jacque.