The Father Says Today: August 17th, 2017

The Father says today, I have given you territory. There is fresh territory in My kingdom that I have appointed you a stewardship over. This is where you will grow the most, excel the quickest and accomplish the greatest for My kingdom. Why would you waste your energies trying to prosper in someone else’s measure? Step into your own calling. Determine to be uniquely and authentically the person I have called you to be. Your gifting and calling will not be fully realized until you leave the finished plane of someone else’s accomplishment and plant yourself in the construction zone where your vision and destiny will be realized. This is the place called “there” where I told the prophet I would feed and provide for him. There is a place called “THERE” for you where the ravens of provision have been sent. They are circling and searching, waiting to drop their payload of My blessing in your life when you decide simply to show up!
This is a day of reformation and retooling your walk with Me from a mentality based on mere wishful thinking to a devoted lifestyle of willingness, to risk and believe Me for all that I have promised you. I have called you to live your life in the Jesus style. This is your day to make a decision to walk after Me and reflect My values and My principles and not those of an antiquated, out of touch religious system that deigns to call itself by My name. It’s a new day, says the Father. It is an explosive time. You can step into the blast zone and be decimated because you are unwilling to change, or you can be launched utterly and completely into the full measure of all that I have promised. Don’t hesitate, says the Father. Take your territory. If you don’t the world will and I will let them. I will not wait forever for you to finally and fully get that I have authorized you and I have afforded you full latitude and permission to fulfill that purpose for which you were brought into the earth, says the Father.

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