The Father Says Today: August 16th, 2017

The Father says today, walk in authenticity before Me. Allow the narrative of My word to conform you into My image. Allow the culture of the kingdom to be the anchor of your life and not the wind of men’s opinions. Refuse to be manipulated. Refuse to allow preconceived ideas about who I am in your life to shape what you actually believe about Me. The traditions of men pollute My truth. The presumptions of popular thought dilute the reality of who I really am in the midst of My people. The popular “Jesus” and the secular understanding of “Jesus” is not who I am. That is the “other Jesus” that Paul warned about. Reject all such notions and return daily, at times hourly to the sure testimony of My word. Return to the testimony of My word and upon the wheel of My word. Become clay under My hands that I might mold you into what you are called to be.
Be bendable to My will, says the Father. Be bendable, sendable and spendable. There are many titillating teachings and wisdoms that present themselves as worthy of your consideration. Know this – I am your wisdom. In My person – who I am on the inside of you, I am your wisdom and I am your truth. There is no secret method. There is no mystical protocol that you can follow to gain special access to My throne. All such thinking is simply repackaged religious legalism that I have already delivered you from. You are already special to Me. I have gravened you on the palms of My hands with a diamond point. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Come willingly to Me. Lay aside the vanities that have presented themselves to you in the false garb of deeper truth. I am your all in all. I am changing you and I am transforming you by who I am on the inside of you even into My perfect image.

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