The Father Says Today: August 15th, 2017

The Father says today, come into My image. SEE TO IT that conformity to the image of Christ is your TOP PRIORITY. Purpose in your heart that there will be NO UNCONTESTED GROUND in your heart that the enemy can access. Embrace the testing THIS DAY and THIS HOUR that will bring you into the NEXT DAY and the NEXT HOUR that is dawning on the earth. Stop pushing the crumbs of yesterday’s wormy manna around your plate. Go out into the unknown ground of THIS DAY and find THIS DAY’S MANNA. Be obedient and be willing because when you walk away from the table I have spread, you deprive yourself of what you have actually prayed that I would send as supply into your life.
Not everyone will understand. Not everyone will be as excited about what I am doing in your life as you are. Some will even consider themselves your enemy. Those who fellowshipped with you in your weakness will despise you in My strength. Forgive them. Keep pressing into what I have for you. From this day, says the Father, you will walk into rooms and into situations that are charged with the spirit of this world and you will DOMINATE by manifesting who I AM even in the darkest places. All you have to do is KNOW who you are and who is speaking. Don’t be intimidated. You KNOW WHO YOU ARE as I KNOW WHO I AM. Allow My Lordship to manifest. This is the Lordship of My Spirit flowing to you and through you to destroy all the works of the enemy by the words of your mouth and the willingness of your heart to go where I send you this day.

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