The Father Says Today: August 14th, 2017

The Father says today, get ready for dramatic and sudden eventuality. Get ready to be interrupted by outcomes and endeavors that will make others shake their heads in bewilderment. Let My word of command cause the dynamics of rationale to be humbled by the supernatural things that I am manifesting. I am the Lord of the hour and the Lord in the earth and will not be shut out. I cannot be shut out and I will not be hindered, says the Father. Others will shout, scream and protest but in the midst there will be sudden miracles that will stop the mouths of the gainsayers. I will pick you up like Ezekiel and cast you by a lock of your hair right into the midst of the naysayers and the skeptics and you will become a LIVING detonation of My glory and anointing and THINGS will begin to happen beyond all your thinking.
If you didn’t think I would put wealth in your hands then you have another think coming. You will go back into the past and bring out tools and strategies that others will say are outmoded, but nonetheless I will bless and I will bless you for being open enough and obedient enough to follow through. You will step across boundaries between the sacred and the secular until you no longer know whether you are walking in the kingdom in the mountains of influence in the church or in the public square. It doesn’t matter WHERE you are but only WHO you are with. I am with you, says the Father. Just obey and let My glory be manifest!

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