The Father Says Today: August 13th, 2017

The Father says today, I am dispelling the counterfeit. There is a counterfeit liberty and a counterfeit initiative in the earth that promises freedom and only leaves men and women with heavy hearts and misdirected minds. I am going to push you where you thought you would never go. Do not be like Peter who refused to kill and eat. I am sending you where others would not dare darken the door. I am releasing you to a people despised and rejected who will receive My truth and accept My testimony in your life. You will step up to a closed door and it will open to you of its own accord. Those who shook their fist in your face will embrace you, for they will look at you and see Me looking back at them with the love that made Calvary a necessity.
I am making you impervious to disappointment, says the Father. I am teaching you how to dial into My presence even where darkness, yea gross darkness is prevailing. I will manifest the Lordship of My Spirit and bring down the strongholds as you refuse to be intimidated by the malice of the enemy against you. You are now walking through a process where I am transforming you from potential to manifest substance and reality in signs, miracles and wonders. Hear My word, says the Father! You are becoming that one in the earth who will DEMONSTRATE what others have only been able to talk about. Hear My voice and enjoy what I am doing. I am unpacking and taking away misconceptions and filling you with My identity that no one will take away from you as you obey Me and bring in the sheaves of these latter days.

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