The Father Says Today: August 13th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, let My love constrain you. When others disgrace themselves with words of harshness and deeds of selfishness – make it your determination to look into the law of liberty and the law of love and be changed. Be changed this day, says the Father. Be changed into My image and witness all creation align itself to your blessing and your benefit. Allow My image to reshape and remake you till the former marred visage of sin is completely obliterated.
You have your Father’s eyes, says the Father. You see with My eyes and you feel with My heart. Make your mind and your soul align with that reality for it is your portion to reflect My glory. My heart to those lost, groping and casting about for one act of kindness from your hand to give them hope for another day. Go out this day and personify love. Personify love and reflect My true character – not the distorted image of religious intolerance and hate. I call you My love and My beloved. Go out and be the beloved and see the transformation that I have promised you.

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