The Father Says Today: August 11th, 2017

The Father says today, rise up and begin to MILITATE in My name! I am opening doors. I am opening doors to you where others have only seen blank walls with no way in to the conquest that I have promised. You are well able, says the Father. My truth and My kingdom is penetrating government and penetrating economics on a global scale. I have made you fit for the fight, that you might take ground for Me where others have yielded and given up the territory that I gave them for this hour and this time. Others say it isn’t possible, but the Father says, I have prepared you and empowered you, so DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. Base what you are moving into on what I have said and not what others say cannot be done.
This is the hour, says the Father, to NOW begin to MILITATE in My name. You are going to TAKE OVER and DISPOSSESS the goat nations and the goat cities and the goat economies until the SHEEP of My possession will take the high places and establish a testimony to My name. This is what I want to do. You may not feel qualified and it may be against your theology, but this – THIS is the INVITATION I am extending to you, says the Father. Will you be a defender of the status quo? Or will you be an adventurer into what I have said IS possible and IS coming, says the Father. Cast aside the old, tired wineskins of the way things have been done and embrace the new wineskin of My purposes that are unfolding around you even now.

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