The Father Says Today: April 9th, 2017

The Father says today, My ability is in you. You are not unable or incapable. The limitations that you might see in yourself or that others might limit you by are false evidence appearing real. The Matchless One lives on the inside of you. The All-Sufficient One lives on the inside of you. I am your ALL in ALL and there is nothing too hard for Me. Lift yourself up out of despair. Shake yourself and let all conflict go. Relinquish all unbelief and leave it in the dustbin of those things that are counted but dung and refuse in your life. I have given you all things that pertain to life and godliness, therefore there is nothing lacking and nothing missing. I have strengthened you and I have given you My mind that you might face your day and face your challenge filled with the confidence of one who knows that I am backing your every move.
Call upon those stores of ability that I have laid up on the inside of you. The wisdom of the ages is yours to call upon. I am in you as all power, all knowledge and all opportunity and favor. Nothing is lacking, for all things necessary and needful to bring you to highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled are yours by My promise. I never lie. I am not a man that I should lie nor the son of man that I should repent. I certified to you all My good promise signed in My name from the inkwell of the shed blood of Calvary. I will do it. I will keep My word as you keep your attention upon Me and trust Me in all things. Trust. Obey. Move forward in confidence refusing to be confounded or confused. I will sort out and iron out every contradiction in your life according to My promise as you keep your mind stayed on Me.

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