The Father Says Today: April 7th, 2017

The Father says today, this is the hour and the moment to take radical action. What you do with what I have ALREADY said and done in your life is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than what you are expecting Me to do or say further. You have waited and waited beloved, and in the waiting I want you to know that My kingdom doesn’t come with observation. The righteousness, entitlement, peace and joy of My domain does not float down as a feather upon those who refuse to act or to move forward according to My promise. You have asked “what am I going to do?” To which I answer – you are to go out in your day and ACT like you believed every word of My promise were true. Do what I would do in your situation and act as I would act if I were facing the same challenge before the throne that you are facing in your life right now.
Do not accept the lie of the enemy that you are excluded or that your heart’s desire is illegitimate. You are capable of hearing and I am capable of speaking. There is no misfortune of your birth or your past that can hold you or keep you from My promise. There is no scorn or derision of others that determines what happens next in your life. Though all the world hate you, it is My favor that is elevating you and promoting you. I have set before you a table laden with every good thing. It is a table prepared in the presence of your enemies – so don’t look at the enemy, LOOK at the table and what I have made available to you there. This is the mentality of all those who put their trust in Me and they will not be – YOU will not be ashamed.

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