The Father Says Today: April 6th, 2017

The Father says today, you can trust in My goodness. My goodness never changes, never fails and never ends. My goodness knows no limits or boundaries and flows freely from My heart to all. Even those who are unaware of My goodness toward them reap the benefit of My unfailing love and kindness. I am not willing that any should perish or fall short. My arm of beneficence is extended to all. My provision of the fullness of My goodness is freely given to all who will receive it. My goodness gives and My goodness forgives.  Every part of My goodness is presented in the gift I gave at Calvary. Every need of mankind and every good desire is fulfilled in My goodness given through the price that was paid.
My goodness is yours. Every barrier broken and every chain released by My goodness that forgives to the uttermost. My thoughts toward you are of goodness continually. I am not sometimes good with occasional thoughts of kindness toward you but My zeal of love and compassion and the goodness that burns within Me of tender mercy toward you is that which leads men to repentance and humble worship. It is that which changes the heart and mind and brings the trust in knowing My goodness is a security that will guard and protect you from everlasting to everlasting. For you shall know the fullness of My goodness even in this hour says the Father.

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