The Father Says Today: April 5th, 2017

The Father says today, that the desire of your heart is not just a good idea – it is a GOD idea. This is a year of refreshing and reinvention. You may feel like your dreams are cast in ruins. You may be tempted to despair that things will never get any better. That is the temporal view. Forsake all such vanities. Keep your eyes upon the eternal realities that shape and fashion what your tomorrows will look like. I will give you beauty from the ashes of bitter disappointment. Forgive others, forgive yourself and move on. Cease wallowing in the mire of self-pity and remorse. Stop blaming others for what they did and what they did not do. That is what they are and who they are – forgive them, dust yourself off and journey on into the things that I have for you just ahead. 
You have asked, what is necessary and what is it going to take to break through into the new day I have longed for? I say to you, says the Father, it is just having the FAITH TO MOVE AHEAD. What is that in your hand? Do what you can with what you have and stick with it – I will take care of the rest. Relinquish the need to understand or to have an explanation before you move forward. I declare to you that there is a peace that PASSES understanding and puts you in the fast lane of blessing and favor. Do you want peace or do you want understanding? You can’t have both. Let go of the need to comprehend just how I am going to do the things I have promised you. Your part is not to understand but to obey, and as you obey, I will enlarge your steps before you and cause the heavens above you to open and the beneficial rains of My goodness to water every desire and dream you have planted so long ago.

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