The Father Says Today: April 29th, 2017

The Father says today, do not be late for your flight. If you are going to experience being seated in heavenly places in Christ, then there will need to be a transition from the earthly to the heavenly. Being seated in high places doesn’t require a death certificate. Remember Enoch. Get ready, says the Father, for your transport is ready to leave the terminal. Have you considered translation as a form of transportation? Know this, says the Father, that what I have for you does not come to pass in your life through some cosmic sleight of hand on My part. You are involved. Your cooperation is necessary. Watching and waiting never brought the faintest glimmer of My glory into the hearts and lives of men. My name is not only Comforter, My name is Helper. I come alongside and add My grace, My ability and My power to your determinate efforts to step out into the nothingness of natural expectation knowing that I will give you a water walking experience.
Know this, says the Father, and be assured in your mind – you are walking into what others have been waiting for. They can perch in their ivory towers of existential theory and religious day dreams but that is not your portion. I haven’t called you nor am I willing to leave you pressing your nose against the glass of someone else’s miracle. You are not “waiting on”, you are “walking into”. Enoch of old walked with Me and commiserated with Me and knew Me at such a depth that he was not, for I took him. He walked into that body-felt salvation that others are yet theorizing and waiting upon. I say to you that only those like Peter who cry out “Lord is it you…” and cast themselves on My mercies will see the fulfillment of that testimony that is yours to fulfill.

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