The Father Says Today: April 28th, 2017

The Father says today, you are not inferior. Never allow yourself to think you stand as an inferior among greater or more accomplished men. Every man and woman begins in life as a singular mass of protoplasm that I breathed life into just as I breathed life into you. It is who I am on the inside of you and not what others think that determines your potential. Reject all false boundaries and limitations. Refuse to pursue the admiration of men who are no different than you are. When you seek the favor of men you are making judgments about them and about yourself that are false in their nature. You are one in whom the mastery of the universe and all creation resides. If you can tell a man or woman by the company they keep, what does the fact that I live inside you indicate?
You have permission now. You are walking in My permissiveness. You now have permission to lay aside every sense of being lacking or inferior. You are not inferior by birth, education, or gender, race or caste. I have brought you to the kingdom for such a time as this. I have breathed of My fullness into your heart and life. I have raised you up and there is nothing that will stand before you. Man cannot separate you from My love. Demons cannot separate you from My love. My love is the one constant that exists in every environment you find yourself in. Because My love never fails and My love is in you and surrounding you, then you can know assuredly that I am working in you that grace, that ability that will set you on the fail-safe path of absolute success and accomplishment, according to all that I have called you to do.

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