The Father Says Today: April 20th, 2017

The Father says today, are you prepared for the GREATER GLORY? Are you prepared for My glory to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea? Are you prepared to see in the coming days My glory become the headline and all the glory of man to become an insignificant byline not worth reporting? My glory shall be revealed and all flesh shall witness and see it together. As the nations reel to and fro and careen against each other in war and in bluster – know that My hand will quell the violence of the sword. My hand will push down the ballistic missiles and cause confusion of armies and that which seems immanent will be stayed by My hand in a moment of time.
Nation will rise against nation and there will be wars and rumors of wars. Refuse to be troubled. Refuse to look to the false messiah’s who claim to have all the answers to the complexities of nations, crowding out My peace from the hearts of men. Your promise is in Me. Your provision is in Me. If all the world and its systems crumbled to dust tomorrow, you will still ride high above the nations of the earth, for the high place is where I promised I would commune with you. Come up higher then, says the Father. Come up higher to a higher truth and a higher narrative than all of mans false wisdom has access to. I will enlighten you and I will inform you and you will know today what tomorrows headline will be and you will just have peace in the midst of challenge, for it is My hand that is keeping you all the while.

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