The Father Says Today: April 19th, 2017

The Father says today, that this is the day that you will experience and be anchored more and more in what I am doing on the throne. My throne is anchoring in you and you are being anchored in My throne. What is proceeding from the throne and from My Spirit is penetrating you and mooring who I AM in you. I am anchoring Myself in you, not to halt in a static place, but to draw you and lift you into a higher place. I have called you to rejoicing, and I have called you to celebration in the deep, even the deeper things of My Spirit. Where others mourn, and contort themselves in the false severity of a religious expression – I will cause you to laugh and sing and rejoice because beloved, he that sits in the heavens shall laugh.
Let there be laughter on the inside of you. Laugh the laugh of faith even as Sarah laughed. Laugh the laugh of those who know as Sarah knew that those things that are impossible and implausible with man are possible with God, and that is your portion. That is what your tomorrow looks like: the impossible becoming conceivable. The implausible becoming reality. When it all looks like failure, My angel, even the angel of My presence, will come suddenly and every dry thing in you will suddenly blossom and bloom and come to fruitfulness according to My word. This is your portion for I love you greatly and will manifest My love in tangible movements of deliverance and change beyond anything you have ever experienced or even sought Me for.

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