The Father Says Today: April 18th, 2017

The Father says today, who do you say that I am? You haven’t come to know Me in fullness until you get to know Me in that manifestation that doesn’t come through man or by the hand of man. That is where the keys of the kingdom for your hand will be found. There is a glory and a manifestation of who I am in you and around you that will not come to you by conferring with flesh and blood. Only by the revelation of My Spirit on the inside of you will I not only disclose the glory – but the greater glory. Though you partake of and learn of what others have said and what others have experienced, I will give you then that which is your own that doesn’t have any man’s finger prints on it. I will give you in this hour a relationship with My throne and in My Spirit that is unique to you and particular to your experience of My deeps in your own spirit down deep inside.
There is more, says the Father. You have cried out for more and I say it is available. The storehouses of more glory stand open, ready to be emptied by your faith. Say that to yourself and affirm this within yourself. There is more. My Spirit flows in and toward what has been released and established, but there is a mounting up and breaking out of what has yet to be disclosed and it won’t come through man or originate in flesh and blood. My glory shall be revealed and every eye shall see it together and My sons and My daughters will partake and be – FOREVER CHANGED. So, come together and share what I am doing and what I have done, but get ready beloved for what I am about to do, because you have been invited to that marriage feast of My glory, My fullness and even My manifest glory, says the Father.

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