The Father Says Today: April 16th, 2017

The Father says today, I have ordained that you should see good success. Success is not a dirty word in My kingdom. As you meditate on My word and store up My word in your heart I will cause you to go out and have good success in all that you put your hand to. I am a loving Father. Just as you long to see your children come to success and blessing, so I would that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. There is no other plan. I have not chosen for you a desolate wasteland void of My goodness. Even when the landscape around you is dry and barren – will I not be the water from the rock and the manna every morning? I am your Everlasting Father and I will be found faithful in the midst of all those who keep their minds and their hearts stayed on Me.
This day, says the Father – under this sun, I will feed you with the bread of miracles. I will cause the Daystar to arise over the darkness in your life and dispel every contradiction to My promises in your circumstance. I am a good God and the only way you can experience Me is to experience My goodness and bathe in the waters of My mercy that are flowing out to you now. Receive the cleansing, says the Father. Accept the healing waters of Shiloah that go softly, even now, over every area of your life. I am reviving you and renewing you. Accept the renewal. Receive new life and new hope beyond what you have dared to believe for. Know that I will content you with My goodness and preserve you with My mercy and lovingkindness this day and forevermore.

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