The Father Says Today: April 15th, 2017

The Father says today, refuse to be discouraged. Never let discouragement hold you back. Discouragement is insidious in its leavening influence. Reject every morose and negative thought. Fear not. Believe only. If you refuse to accept discouragement, then the prince of this world comes and will find nothing in your heart that he can take advantage of. Courage and trust in who I AM and what I am doing in your life makes you impervious to the strategy of the enemy to hold you back or keep you down. I say to you again – be encouraged and of a good courage. The courage of heaven is not vain bluster. The courage of heaven is the preamble to the breakthrough you have petitioned Me for in your situation.
Cultivate confidence. Dig down into the fallow ground of your heart and mind to break up the clogs of past disappointment. Take My promises like precious seed and plant them in your innermost being. I will cause you to have the seed / fruit / harvest of My promise as though in a day. I will bring the 100-fold return of seed / fruit / harvest into your life when all others are faltering and failing. I have not called you to a place of blistering failure or downturn. I have commissioned you and ordained that you go out and boldly receive all that the cross affords you. I say to you this day that you are a receiver and a beneficiary of My promises, for this is the purpose I came into the world – to raise you up as My beloved child and to demonstrate My goodness and My character in your life.

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