The Father Says Today: April 13th, 2017

The Father says today, you are in training for reigning. Ruling and reigning in Me is not something you are waiting to die in order to step into. Regardless of what men may say – you are a principality and a power in My kingdom NOW. You are a king and priest by My ordination. Are you a king? Are you a priest? Come into agreement with My word, says the Father. You are king – for I am the King of kings. Just as I have a domain and a jurisdiction, even so you have a domain and a jurisdiction. Stand up in your life and claim your territory. Every place where you place your foot I have given it to you. Everything you put your hand to I will prosper. I am not demanding you to live on the razor’s edge of some mystical purpose. My wisdom is easy to be entreated and readily found out as you quiet yourself and say “yes” to Me.
I have placed upon you the robes of entitlement in My kingdom. I have put the signet of My favor upon your hand. The angels of heaven gather around you on a daily basis to go out before you and make your way prosperous. Expect blessing. Anticipate benefit and dividend of My glory to be paid into your life. Know that My default plan for you is that you live a life whereby everything you say and do is as effective as if I said it and did it. There will come opposition but did I not say resist? As you resist the devil, the only option available is for him to flee. Resist the enemy with My word. Resist the enemy with My promise. Resist the enemy by renewing your mind to everything I have said about you in My word, and from that vantage point you will go forth conquering and to conquer.

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