The Father Says Today: April 12th, 2017

The Father says today, I give you access to all that heaven affords. In the heavens, you will find laid up in store every resource, every strategy and promise that My word makes available through the work of the cross. I haven’t called you to achieve by human effort. I do not need your help, but I do require your cooperation. I am the one who comes alongside of you in the midst of your effort and adds My nature and character to decide the outcome. Your outcome is not defined on human terms by what man says, but your outcome is determined by the word of favor that I have spoken over you before the foundation of the world. You are a child of My favor. You are a recipient of My favor. I am making things come through for you, not because of your striving or efforts, but because I have set My love upon you and purposed before time that you would prosper and overcome.
Reject all contrary thinking to My promise. Guard your heart from the false teaching of downturn and diminishment. I did not go to the cross to diminish you – I went to the cross to enlarge you and give you life and life more abundantly. If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will I bestow upon you all that heaven affords because of My great love wherewith I have loved you. Beloved, if I withheld not heaven’s best, but sent My only Son to suffer and die in your behalf – is there ANY OTHER THING I will withhold from you? This isn’t what you have always been taught, but choose to be a Father-pleaser and believe the GOOD report, for that is your portion, says the Father, for in Me you will never be disappointed.

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