The Father says today that your body is My temple and I am a faithful tenant. Will I not cause your health and vitality to be strong and renewed? I live on the inside of you. I am not dwelling on the inside of you without respect to the quality of your health says the Father. My life is flowing through you. As Moses of old your strength will abate not and your eye will not grow dim for I am on the inside of you renewing and blessing and revitalizing. I have all the issues of your health in My mind and in My eye. Your health is springing forth speedily. I am causing you to be more robust, more fit, says the Father and I am providing the grace to cooperate with those things that make for good choices in every area of your activity and your appetites. Being legalistic and difficult with yourself provides little benefit. It is time to trust Me and look to Me to change what you cannot change. I am helping you. I am the HELPER and you will begin even over the next few days to see that happening in a new way.
So cooperate with the moving of My Spirit. Say “yes” to My “yes” and “no” to those things that do not make for benefit, blessing and healthfulness. I am even going to work a change in your metabolism and your disposition. You are going to be more active. See yourself this way. As I told Joshua about Jericho “see I have given you the city” even so I say to you “see I have given you your own body” for better is he that rules his own self than he that takes a city. Rise up and take your territory and see the results I will reward you with. There will be so much joy on the inside of you because you will know this is not about human striving but about the new thing I am doing in you and you get to be the beneficiary of it. It isn’t something wrong with you – it’s something right. It is My Spirit resonating down on the inside of you and bringing new life and power and recovery to every aspect of your being.
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Susan Smith says:
Yes lord Amen
Sworn ToUphold says:
again a timely word, especially since they are airing “the truth about cancer” online now. this is one way that we can “roll away the stone”, “fill the water pots with water”. God can and will heal us but there is something that we do and we do it as an act of faith. “Whatsoever He saith, DO IT!” amen.
Pamela Hutchieson says:
Lorraine Villegas says:
Yes my Lord!
Karen says:
Ok, now you’re just reading my mail, seriously, the joy of the Lord hit me as I was reading this word and it fits exactly how I have been praying! hahahahahahahaha, God is so good and I totally receive this word. I’ve read it several times and laugh through it each time. hehehehehehehehehe Where the Spirit of the Lord is….
Laura Chandler says:
Anna Meszaros
Anna Meszaros says:
Carrie says:
Word of confirmation. Thank you, God for your healing touch!
frica says:
Amen I receive in Jesus name
Helena says:
Wow Yes Lord thank you for hearing my request!! Thank you thank you Thy will be done .Amen!!!!
Constance Dakar Hemphill says:
My word.
Stacey S Williams says:
Yesssssss Lord! Amen!!!!!
Piper Henry says:
Hallelujah.. Yes and Amen in Jesus holy name.. just the word I needed.. For I know your working out a new thing in my body on the inside of me.. Thank you Father God for the joy, healthiness that’s resonating on the inside of me.. For renewing New life, mind body and soul.
Vanessa Boyd says:
VERY timely! Thank you for confirmation!
Christy Ligon says:
Thank you FATHER GOD
Pamela Brunson Sieber says:
Amen!!!! Frank Sieber
Tracy Elzeiny says:
Christina Vossler says:
Yes, Lord… Amen! Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy Name! Who forgives all your sins, who heals all your diseases… Yea, Amen! So let it be according to your heart and to your will for life and healing in JESUS’ Name!
Aminu Audu says:
Amen…what a wonderful prayer
Felicia Smith says:
Glory to God! Thank you Lord!
Ammie Todd says:
Nicky Gilchrist says:
Theresa Van Luik says:
Amen!! Thank you Father! I am humbled at your love for me!
Regina Robbins says:
Margaret Fleming says:
Robearh says:
Amen thanks be to God ! I receive it.