The Father Says Today: April 10th, 2017

The Father says today, refuse to think small thoughts. I am a big God capable of doing big things. Let your heart pray the prayer that Jabez prayed. As you cry out to Me for enlargement of coast, will I not increase your borders and push back your boundaries? Keep your attention on the big things that I am doing, not the big problems the enemy threatens you with. The enemy’s threats are empty lies without power to overcome you, for I am in you – safeguarding and surrounding you with My favor. Call upon Me. Call upon who I am on the inside of you. Allow My Spirit to rise up and equip you for the great things that I have called you to.
This is the hour to stand up and be strong – not to grovel in fear or draw back in weakness or worry. Call upon who I am from the innermost recesses of your spirit and you will see My judgments, My wisdom and My truth burst into your circumstance and reshape everything you are facing according to My promise. You are more than a conqueror for I AM is on the inside of you. I am animating you and infilling you with every power and every grace that man has ever possessed by My hand. I am not a respecter of persons but I am a respecter of faith. As you do with your faith what others have done with their faith you will surely see the same results.

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