The Father Says Today: December 20th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that you are not helpless. The outlook is not bleak. You are not without a helper for you are not without My presence and My power. The glory that I have placed within you is the glory that raised Jesus from the dead. My glory within you is that resource that Jesus called upon when He descended into hell and came back with the keys of death and the grave. Though the enemy come to steal, kill and destroy I have empowered you to put your foot in his neck and take from his mouth the prey that he has stolen. The righteous are bold as a lion because they know Me and they know who I am on the inside of them. This is who you are and this is your entitlement before Me says the Father.
This day I call upon you to realize that you are not beyond the ability to affect change. I call you an initiator. I call you a fire starter. I am a fire from My loins up and a fire from My loins down and that fire is being directed into your life by your faith filled words. Transformation is possible. Transformation is available. The shift comes now. In every situation remember this – love never fails. Love is who I am and love never fails to produce more love. When the enemy distracts you with the unkindness of others around you do not react in fear or amazement. Step up into love. Love is what causes the mountain moving faith on the inside of you to become active and come online in your life. This is the hour you have longed for says the Father. This is the time that change comes. Embrace the change and be a part of it as you partner with Me and enter into ruling and reigning at a whole new level!

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