The Father Says Today: July 13th, 2017

The Father says today, My salvation of you is not just clemency, but it is a SO GREAT A SALVATION. I am bringing you an overture this day to come beyond the 60-fold and the 30-fold, but into the 100-fold fullness of all that I have destined for you. Some are satisfied with ankle deep experiences in Me. Others press on to 60-fold realities but there are those who want nothing less but the ALL-IN-ALL that is available in Me says the Father. Know this – as you continue to press in to what I have for you I will incentivize you for the entirety of what it means to walk in the fullness of My kingdom. As you give of your time, as you give, sacrifice and lay out your life like a drink offering, there will be reward. As I said in My word I am coming, and My reward is with Me. Expectation of compensation is not wrong, says the Father. Expectation of compensation, rewarding in My kingdom is BUILT into the gospel.
Come expecting says the Father. Come seeking. Ask and keep on asking. Ask not only by your words but let your actions, your audacity to believe and press in – let your actions make a demand on My sovereignty. Push the envelope of what is possible and available in Me. I delight when you defy all of your personal traditions and step out to adventure in Me and see just how far and how full the glory given Me by My Father can be manifest in you. Remember says the Father that the greatest reward is not that demons are subject to you. The greatest reward is to be brought near to My throne and know increased proximity to the Right Hand of Majesty on High. I give you this day an invitation to greater proximity to My presence. It is part of My plan and available to you as you abandon all your life in commitment and being poured out to My name.

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