Experiencing the Power of God

“The raw power of God in your life is legitimized
by your obedience and scandalized by your unsanctified ambition.”

As Christians, we are all seeking a deeper relationship with God. We want to experience the power of God in our lives and know that we are living in accordance with His divine plan. But what does it mean to truly experience the raw power of God?

It starts with obedience. When we are obedient to God’s commands, we open ourselves up to His grace and power. We show God that we trust Him and His plan for our lives. It’s easy to become complacent and comfortable with our own ideas and plans, but true power comes from submitting ourselves to God’s will.

On the other hand, unsanctified ambition can be a stumbling block to experiencing the raw power of God. We all have goals and dreams, but when those goals become more important than our relationship with God, we are heading down a dangerous path. Our ambition can lead us to make choices that are not in line with God’s will and can ultimately distance us from the very power we seek.

It’s important to remember that true power doesn’t come from our own abilities or achievements. The power of God in our lives is what sets us apart as Christians. When we are living in accordance with His will, we have access to a power that transcends human limitations. We can do things that we never thought possible, and we can impact the world in ways that are truly transformative.

But this power doesn’t come without a cost. It requires sacrifice and discipline. It requires us to give up our own desires and ambitions in order to follow God’s plan for our lives. When we are willing to submit ourselves to God in this way, we become vessels for His power and grace in the world.

So let us examine our own lives and ask ourselves, are we living in obedience to God’s will? Are we allowing our own ambitions and desires to take precedence over our relationship with Him? Let us strive to live each day in a way that honors God and opens ourselves up to the raw power of His grace in our lives. And may we never forget that it is only through our obedience to Him that we can experience the true power of God.

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