Embracing a New Circumcision for a Victorious Generation of Believers

What does it mean to be circumcised in heart, and how can we know we have complied with God’s demand for holiness in our lives?  Unfortunately, the previous generation failed to teach the true meaning of circumcision to their successors despite having received it themselves. Their hearts were consumed by the flesh and plagued by doubts, robbing them of the ability to move beyond their limited perspectives. Their faith was superficial and lacked a foundation in the true power of God.

Embracing the Painful Truth: However, a new circumcision of truth is on the horizon. As the army of God emerges, crossing the cleansing river of His presence, they will confront their enemies head-on, willingly embracing the pain and surrender required for true circumcision. This act signifies a removal of the flesh, a severing from reliance on worldly pursuits, and a profound connection to the cross of Christ. It is akin to the rolling away of the stone, leading them to the well of Living Water.

An Army Refined by Truth: Once this true circumcision takes place, the arm of the flesh will be cut away forever, never to be nourished again. Those who exalt themselves will no longer prevail, for this new generation will possess discerning eyes that see the Truth Himself. Their armor will reflect the radiance of the Son of God, providing a glimpse of divine truth to all who are receptive. Just as Rahab and her household received salvation through the scarlet cord, these believers will demonstrate unwavering faith.

True Government in a Time of Testing: This end-time army exemplifies a true government, with the weight of authority resting solely on the shoulders of the Commander-in-Chief, the Lord Himself. Comprising 12,000 times 12,000, this vast army embodies purity and undefiled righteousness due to its wholehearted embrace of circumcision. Their ultimate battle is fought for the supremacy of the King of Kings, ushering in His glorious presence. Within their ranks, some may be considered little more than children to the human eye, yet they possess the heart of mighty warriors in the eyes of their Leader.

Men and Women Together – The Power of the Mammas and the Papas: This army includes both men and women, equally equipped with weapons of truth and light to illuminate the nations. Wherever they tread, the fire of God will consume and expose all that is genuine and false. The unmistakable mark of their presence will be a trail of blazing fire, testifying to the truth that their God is a consuming fire. Their mission unfolds in a vision akin to the Garden of Eden, where the battle began, and they march forward, resolute in their victory over the enemy of all ages.

A Decisive Battle Cry: In unison, the victorious army cries out with conviction, commanding Satan to depart from their garden. No longer will deceit, lies, theft, or destruction have a hold on them, for they have conquered and vanquished the enemy once and for all. Behind them, a desolate wasteland remains as the lies of the deceiver are exposed to those who have had misplaced trust in false gods. The proud hills and babbling towers built upon mixed truths crumble, evoking fear in those who once believed themselves to be invincible.

Unity and Devotion to Truth: Nothing can divide this unwavering army, for they are united in purpose, having overcome the flesh, the enemy, and even themselves. They are not mere individuals seeking earthly kingdoms but a unified force wholeheartedly devoted to the Truth. When asked individually whom they serve, their resounding response echoes in perfect harmony: “THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.”

Prophecy of the Rising Army: In a prophetic proclamation, the Lord declares that the time has come for His army to arise. Those who have persevered through their wilderness experiences, withstanding the threat of death while clinging to their faith, are summoned forth. The moment of salvation is at hand. To those who have cultivated an attentive ear amidst life’s storms, the command is clear: ARISE!

Divine Intervention: The Lord, will perform the final circumcision, removing the flesh that you are unable to eradicate on your own. Surrendering to this profound cutting of the heart is essential. The army of God has successfully crossed the tumultuous Jordan River, faithfully following His presence. However, further progress is impossible without this crucial step. It is a circumcision that can only be administered to those who humbly seek it, those prepared to relinquish their very identities and lay down everything for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Nameless and faceless, this army is unequivocally known as the Army of God, with Jesus Christ as their Supreme Commander.

Conclusion: Let us heed the call to unite, embrace truth, and surrender wholly to the purposes of our Lord. The time has come for His army to arise, for His camp is great, and His power is unstoppable. Can you endure the greatness of the day of the Lord?

Inspired by the Writings of Lori Hankins

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