Do You Need a Financial Miracle?

IMG_1655A dear Christian lady needed a financial miracle. She asked for prayer. Of course we will pray for her – and also shared the following with her that will help anyone (you?) who is in need of divine intervention in your life:
“…..Always remember that things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you want something different you must do something different. Money moves by the Spirit. That involves two things: 1.) Identify and liquidate all surplus personal property and give it to the poor – what you make happen for others God will make happen for you. 2.) Go find an anointing stronger than yours and give sacrificially into it as the widow who gave into the treasury that Jesus was looking into. Many people people say “well I give of my time, etc.,” well if you want time give time if you want money give money. You must give and get into faith in the very area of your need. Often the reply is – “I’m doing that…” I understand that but you want change right? Things are the way the are because of what you are doing but the kingdom doesn’t come with observation (pray and wait passively) you must DO something and do it in the very area of your expressed need. Then you will see change come. Remember that YOUR response time determines GOD’S RESPONSE TIME. If you fold your hands and wait then delay comes unnecessarily. Get the mind of God and act swiftly and you will see your “financial miracle”. We can pray for you – but the answer to that prayer will be God leading you and giving you faith to act. God bless! …”

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  • The question comes “if you suffer is it a lack of faith?” …the better question to ask is did Jesus go to the cross to alleviate sickness and pain? Why would God put on you what Jesus died to take out of your life? “By his stripes you WERE healed…” “…He “…became POOR so that WE could become rich…” etc., these scriptures are unambiguous. So if WE are not experiencing what HE died to provide it doesn’t mean the source of that withholding LIES WITH HIM … I would say unbelief is the overwhelming reason why we do not experience what Jesus died to provide but there could be other reasons as well. People who insist that God puts these things on them and that it is godly to suffer I would say ARE YOU VOLUNTEERING? Are you volunteering YOUR GRANDCHILDREN? It’s easy to have a doctrine that excuses suffering as God’s fault when it is always happening to someone else …. Something to ponder.

  • Melissa santillano says:

    Where on your website can I put a prayer request ? Thank you and God bless

  • Sizwe Ephraim Mashinini says:

    Yes….Man Of God! I need financhial breakthrough! I need a mirracale turn around in my Life! SO I want to saw a seed of faith with my only Rands I have available nOw! R100.00

    • That’s wonderful Sizwe … since many South Africans have difficulty giving to our ministry in the states we encourage you to find a LOCAL ministry with a valid anointing and give there – it still counts toward your breakthrough!