Do You Have a Joab in Your Life?

Joab was general to David in his army and caused much difficulty for David. He colluded with David in the murder of Bathsheba’s husband. He killed Absalom and openly ridiculed David for mourning over him. He killed a rival general that served David very faithfully. Throughout his career in service to David, Joab pandered to the lowest common denominator of David’s character and constantly kept David guessing as to what he would do next. What about you? Do you have someone in your life that you never know where you stand with them? They encourage you one minute and put you down the next. They weep with you when you are feeling sorry for yourself and criticize you at those times you are strong in the Lord and moving forward in faith. That person is a Joab. There’s only one way to deal with them – terminate the relationship. Eventually, David dealt with Joab but not after much harm came to David personally and to the kingdom.

I had a Joab in my life for 30 years. They stood with me in the bad times and worked against me every time God worked to promote me or fulfill some aspect of my destiny. They wept with me and lied to me. They vowed fidelity to me and stabbed me in the back at every opportunity. I loved this man like David loved Jonathan but it wasn’t until I terminated that relationship that the promises of God and the destiny of God became sure in my life.

What about you? Do you have a Joab in your life? A person who knows all your tender spots but at the end of the day do more to keep you down than to lift you up? You have to recognize that they are very likely the single most damaging influence to cause your destiny to become an abortion. Act now to identify and deal with the Joab in your life no matter what excuses or flatteries they use to keep you in their web.

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