Confronting a Death Bed Diagnosis – Laying Hold on Your Healing Miracle.

Russ-03-02-2014Just today I responded to friend in the Lord that I respect very deeply. They are struggling with serious physical problems and struggling to grasp how to cope, stand in faith and see results promised in the healing scriptures of the bible. I know there are many who will relate to the cry of this person’s heart, so while I protect my dear friend’s privacy I want to share with you my response:


I just got back from the doctor’s office… (in regard to a serious condition having been diagnosed)…  My question….what am I doing wrong?  I have done everything I know to do (to believe for health and healing).  … I have not seemed to get any better, but seems things have even gotten worse.  This makes me feel like I have no faith at all…


Hello <name withheld> … you are in our prayers. I don’t think God expects you to jump through any hoops to receive anything from him including healing. There is a such thing as “leaning to the physicians” like Asa (2 Chron. 16:12) but as long as the physician, the patient and God have the same goals (healing) there is nothing dishonoring about going to a doctor, taking tests etc. I’ve seen people healed of chronic illness and even terminal illness. I’ve also seen these things come back after miraculous remissions that medicine couldn’t account for. You are experiencing what Hebrews refers to as “enduring contradiction…” (Heb. 12:3). You can’t ignore symptoms, or sickness but you can stand in your faith and refuse the right of that condition in your body because of what Jesus did on the cross… (Isa. 53:5).

I also know that there are two kinds of illness – according to James “sickness” and “affliction”. If you are sick someone can pray and you are healed (James 5:14). If you are afflicted James says “let him that is afflicted pray” (James 5:13) implying a regimen of prayer brought online in a physical condition just like a round of chemo or radiation. It must be consistent and long term and carried out by the individual (very hard when you are drained emotionally and physically). Using this approach I’ve seen type 1 diabetics hold normal sugar levels for weeks.

The key is relying on what you know. You cannot allow yourself or your sense of well being to be dictated to by your physical body or symptoms. You deal with the symptoms and stand on the word. That is all you have. When I am down physically I lean on confession of the word. It works. Here is the link that I use:

I listen to it constantly in the background. I do it specifically daily in the morning first thing – particularly when I’m under pressure. My experience is that within 2 to 3 months things will change for the better if not alleviate the problem altogether.

1 Pet. 2:24 says by His stripes you are healed. Either that is true or we cannot rely on God’s word. Healing was provided for by the same sacrifice as salvation. If it isn’t God’s will to heal every time then it isn’t God’s will to save every time and not everyone who prays the sinners prayer is actually born again even if they pray with sincerity. Either these things are true or let’s just throw out bibles away and quit kidding ourselves.

As believers we commit to the word whether we experience it’s provisions or not. We may not ever see what the word clearly promises but my experience doesn’t carry a greater weight of authority than the clear promise of God’s word. We have to crucify empathy and self referral and commit unswervingly to the promises.

In writing this to you – I have chronic physical conditions that haven’t yielded to prayer. When I was first diagnosed it brought real panic in my life knowing here was something that medicine couldn’t fix and that wasn’t yielding to prayer. Doesn’t change the testimony of the word – I can’t deny the symptom but I can deny it’s right to remain in my body based on the clear testimony of the word of God.

I have seen the dead raised. I’ve seen cancers – late stage death-sentence diagnoses miraculously healed. I have been healed myself after doctors couldn’t even tell me what was wrong – walking out of the hospital completely untreated and completely delivered and healed.

Stand your ground. Do the work of faith – get your confessions and open your mouth and start verbalizing. War against the symptoms. I know it is hard but there is no one else to do it – you must. I know people who have lived decades under severe diagnoses but outlived their doctors, did what others with their condition could not do, and maintained a scratch-your-head testimony to all around them.

My heart goes out to you – and I’m praying for you. If you do with your faith what patriarchs of old did with their faith you will see the same results!

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Other Comments

  • My younger brother was just sent home for hospice. The doctors have given him no hope. He has been a type1 diabetic for 26 years. He has lost function of both kidneys, his liver and his pancreas. I like him am a type 1 diabetic for 27 years. I believe that he will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord according to Psalm 118:17. If you can agree with me in prayer.

  • Thank you for spending the time in writing this out so that we can all benefit by it! I’m thankful that this is “Where the Rubber Hits the Road” teaching and I’m lifted up and encouraged that I am not the only one who is battling such contradictory garbage from the enemy. I pray that we will ALL overcome everything the devil throws our way and trample him under foot so that he never rises again in our lives, for we do positionally HAVE the Victory in Jesus Christ!

  • This is hard. I struggle some on the issue of healing. I thank God He has used me in healing others. I want to be used more. I love it when God heals people because it brings me joy to see them better. I struggle with my own health issues. I have seen Jesus heal backs and yet my own is messed up. I had a friend who last April had a really bad stroke. All of us at the Church I was going to prayed for him. Within 2 hours he was just about all healed. He had weakness in one arm for a few weeks. Then at the end of May right after Memorial day he passed away without any warning. I’m really struggling with the questions and the grief of loosing my friend. It’s hard. My heart goes out to this person and I will pray for them. God bless.

  • I always been blessed more each time you share this. I’m getting more than money… I bless God. God bless you sir. -‘Mayowa from Nigeria

  • Russ and Kitty you are TRUE Prophets. You are wise and always use the Word as
    the foundation of your comments. Thank you for sharing this. By His stripes I AM Healed.
    Jesus is the GREAT I AM.
    I pray for wholeness and complete healing for your friend. Keep trusting God.

  • I believe you’re supposed to teach a class on healing…online, like the prophetic classes 🙂 I’ll be the first one to sign up. Russell Walden Kitty Walden

  • Good advice….and agree . .. but I have a question in this area in dealing with the death of the physical body moment as well….when a person can say it is well… to know the time is at hand to eternal rest so to speak …is that not also an approach …for the bible also have those who are now in eternal status ..unless rapture we have to face this also..Russell Walden so I would ask to have understanding to transition question …I have been at bedsides and the fight to end and peace with ease into the rest….not to bring conflict but to understand…Thank you