Commanding the Angels with Your Prayers and Your Words

Yes, you CAN command angels with your words and your prayers. In Christian circles, the belief in archangels is widespread. While there is no definitive list of archangels in Christian tradition, seven archangels are often referenced and venerated (please note there is a difference between “worshipping” and venerating.” Here is a brief overview of the seven archangels of Christian tradition:

  1. Michael – Michael is often considered the leader of the archangels. His name means “who is like God,” which is believed to signify his unwavering loyalty and devotion to God. His primary role is that of a protector and warrior against evil. He is also associated with healing and guiding souls to the afterlife.
  2. Gabriel – Gabriel is best known for his role as the messenger. He is often depicted in the Bible delivering important messages from God. His most notable appearance was in the New Testament, where he announced to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. Gabriel is also associated with communication and is considered the patron saint of communication workers.
  3. Raphael – Raphael is associated with healing and is often depicted with a staff and a fish. The Book of Tobit tells the story of how Raphael aided Tobias on his journey and healed Tobit’s blindness. Raphael is also considered the patron saint of travelers.
  4. Uriel – Uriel is known for his wisdom and is often depicted holding a book. He is associated with repentance and salvation. It is believed that Uriel was the archangel that warned Noah about the flood and helped Enoch on his journey to the afterlife.
  5. Sariel – Sariel is often referred to as the archangel of death, as he plays a role in escorting souls to the afterlife. According to tradition, Sariel also watches over the spirits of the deceased.
  6. Raguel – Raguel is often associated with justice and peace. He is believed to help settle disputes and bring harmony to relationships and communities.
  7. Remiel – Remiel is associated with divine visions and is often depicted with a scroll or book. He is believed to be the archangel that assisted Ezra in writing the second book of Chronicles.

These seven archangels are often held in high esteem by Christians and are often called upon for guidance and intercession. Is that scriptural? Do our prayers influence angels? While there is no definitive list of archangels, these seven are often referenced in Christian tradition. An important question to ask is “Can we command angels….” The answer is a “qualified” yes!

There are several verses in the Bible that suggest that men can command angels. One example is found in Psalm 91:11-12, which says, “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” This verse suggests that God commands angels on behalf of his people, but it also implies that man has a role to play in commanding angels.

Another example is found in Matthew 18:10, where Jesus says, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” This verse seems to suggest that every person has an angel assigned to them and that those angels are paying close attention to what is happening in their lives.

Additionally, in Hebrews 1:14, it says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” This verse seems to indicate that angels are here to serve and minister to those who are believers in Jesus Christ.

I have seven bronze figures on my mantel representing the seven archangels of the Western church. Seeing them throughout the day and every morning reminds me that angels exist and are working on my behalf. Here is a prayer to activate angels:

Pray this Daily:

Eckhardt, John. Prayers That Rout Demons


Let Your angels ascend and descend upon my life (Gen. 28:12).

Give Your angels charge over me and deliver me (Ps. 91:11).

Let the angel of the Lord chase the enemy (Ps. 35:5).

Let the angel of the Lord persecute the enemy (Ps. 35:6).

Let Your angels fight for me in the heavens against principalities (Dan. 10:13).

Let the angel of Your presence save me (Isa. 63:9).

Let Your angels go before me and make the crooked places straight (Zech. 12:8).

Send Your angels before me to prosper my way (Exod. 33:2).

Lord, hear my voice and send Your angels to deliver me (Num. 20:16).

Send Your angels to minister unto me (Matt. 4:11).

I have come to Zion and to an innumerable company of angels (Heb. 12:22).

I am an heir of salvation. Send Your angels to minister to me (Heb. 1:14).

Send Your angels to deliver me from the hand of the enemy (Matt. 12:11).

Lord, confess me before Your holy angels (Luke 12:8).

Send Your angels in the night to minister to me (Acts 27:23).

Let Your angels meet me as I walk in my destiny (Gen. 32:1).

Send Your angels to be involved in reaching the lost (Acts 8:26).

Release Your angelic army to fight for and defend Your church (Ps. 68:17).

Send Your angels to smite the demons that come to destroy me (Isa. 37:36).

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