Clearing Up Confusion Regarding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit:

Does a person who hasn’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit “have” the Holy Spirit in them nonetheless? We often tell non-tongues talking believers they need to “receive” the Holy Spirit. Does this mean they don’t already “have” the Holy Spirit? It’s a matter of nomenclature but the common language in which this is discussed can be confusing to people who haven’t come up in a Charismatic, Pentecostal milieu… Let’s look at some scripture to hopefully find some clarity:
Before His ascension Jesus met with His disciples and imparted the Holy Spirit to them:

[Jhn 20:22 KJV] 22 And when he had said this, he breathed on [them], and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
However He then told them AFTER this to expect something further of the Holy Spirit to be imparted to them:
[Act 1:4 KJV] 4 And, being assembled together with [them], commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, [saith he], ye have heard of me.
So even someone who hasn’t experienced the Acts 2 experience “has” the Holy Spirit in them and is born of the Spirit. This is implied by a comparison of John 20:22 and Acts 1:4. However there is (as most Charismatics and Pentecostals would agree) a further and deeper baptism apparently into that which the disciples had already experienced a measure of in John 20:22 …

This would be the answer from a BIBLICAL standpoint. From a personal, anecdotal perspective would be another matter (giving personal testimony which those who have received this baptism could no doubt elaborate on to great effect.).

What is your testimony of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? Use the comment feature at the bottom of this post to share your experiences.

For more on this subject:

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Other Comments

  • Mike Hancock says:

    Thank you for posting this excellent explanation of what is too often a major source of confusion between Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians and older “Mainline” denominations. You might have included that it also is simply another step or aspect of dying to ones self.

  • We all have access to God. Jesus and the Holy Spirit . Jesus said I will not leave you alone. I will send you a comforter. The Holy Spirit.

  • Paul martin says:

    When I pray for the sick the Holy Spirit takes over and shows me by vision what is being healed only when I pray in tongues though

  • This is a very interesting subject, thanks for bringing it up and allowing people to comment….I am going to go study it for myself and see what i find..

  • I believe the Apostle Paul said that not all will receive the gift of tongues, yet those who don’t after receiving Jesus as their personal saviour will receive eternal life.

  • Nanette Powell says:

    Gleaning from this teaching, and adopting it into my teaching also! So thankful for FHM

  • Nanette Powell says:

    When I received Jesus… right then I experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and experienced deliverance of a couple of things. Filled with zeal and gifts and thought that was how everyone got it and in the infancy of my walk I was baffled as to why “church people” didn’t have that same zeal and joy…now I know!

  • My friend came over about a month after I gave my life to Jesus and said I needed the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He said he was gonna lay hands on me and I was to just speak out the words that came to me, no matter what I thought. So I did! It was just 2 words, but he told me to keep saying them and more would come. And it sure did! Now I realize it was my faith that God honored, and my desire for all He had. There was no fire or falling out. I am asking for that now, 30 years later! 🔥

  • Excellent indeed. Thank you Sir for your commitment to break down the baptism of the Holy Spirit as you have on video. Thank you for your fine stewardship. How can we purchase the printed version.