The Father Says Today: May 21st, 2012

The Father says I want you to experience over your life today what I initiated over the void on the first day of creation. I saw the emptiness and spoke that which I desired. I am speaking over you even now. My desires toward you reflect happiness, attainment, fulfillment, and purpose. You aren’t going to […]


The Father Says Today: May 20th, 2012

The Father says that all things are possible to you because I am the God of all possibilities. The Father says that authority is your natural entitlement because I live in you and My nature and character is to BE LORD over every situation. Because I AM LORD, says the Father, you are therefore seated […]


The Father Says Today: May 19th, 2012

The Father says, “Dream a Bigger Dream.” When you entertain impossible dreams, the angels pause to listen. There is no contempt in heaven for a dreamer. When you dream and plan and imagine, says the Father, I don’t call that fantasy I call it faith. Don’t allow the circumstances of life around you to become […]


The Father Says Today: May 15th, 2012

The Father says today that I have committed to you the ministry of reconciliation. Your gift is to bring those around you into proximity to My voice and My presence. I don’t hold you responsible for redeeming them, for I am the redeemer. I have anointed you to bring them near to Me that they […]


The Father Says Today: May 14th, 2012

The Father says do not concern yourself with what others are saying or what others may be doing. The enemy’s purpose is to keep you distracted by whisperings and threats that are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Your focus is to be upon accomplishing the assignment I’ve commissioned you to fulfill. The outcome is […]


The Father Says Today: May 13th, 2012

The Father says, “Imitate Me and do what I would do if I was in your position. Act NOW as I would act Myself if I was on the earth facing the same circumstances that you are facing now”. You are the substance of My substance, says the Father. You are the same substance with […]


The Father Says Today: May 12th, 2012

The Father says that the city of Jerusalem is My city, and it shall go unmolested. They have said in their counsels, “Today Cairo – Tomorrow Jerusalem!” Their plans will not succeed. They will not send the smoke of their rebellion above the skyline of the Holy City, says the Father. I have cordoned Jerusalem […]


The Father Says Today: May 11th, 2012

The Father says can you take NOW for an answer? The next 90 days will reveal My wonders in your life. I am a God who works in the timeline of your life from outside of time. I take eternity and bring it into your now using a divine schedule administrated by angels. Can you […]


The Father Says Today: May 10th, 2012

The Father says My measure is not minimal or marginal or uncharitable. My measure in your life is exceedingly beyond your expectation, even when you are most optimistic. My answers are sweet surprises that go beyond what you expect. Ready or not, here I come, says the Father! There is nothing narrow about My benefits […]


The Father Says Today: May 9th, 2012

The Father says that the human heart is a dark place but did I not say in My word I would dwell in thick darkness? My nature is to press into that environment where I am needed most. That is what you do when you are LORD (and I AM Lord, you know…) You do […]