The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Joy Unspeakable: Finding the Lord’s Gladness in Every Circumstance The world chases happiness like a mirage shimmering on the horizon. We’re bombarded with messages promising fulfillment through fleeting pleasures, material possessions, and achieving that ever-elusive “perfect” life. Yet, even when we grasp those desires, a nagging emptiness often remains. As Christians, we know true, lasting […]


The Simple Savior: Finding Rest in a Complex World

The Simple Savior: Finding Rest in a Complex World In a world obsessed with complexity, where the pursuit of “more” dominates our thoughts and actions, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple beauty of the Gospel. We are bombarded with messages telling us we need more knowledge, more possessions, more experiences to find fulfillment. […]


The New Wine of God’s Spirit and the Wineskins of Tradition

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:191 Embracing the New, Honoring the Old This verse from Isaiah rings with the promise of God’s ever-present renewal, His constant movement and work […]


Seeking First the Kingdom: A Life of Simple Abundance

Seeking First the Kingdom: A Life of Simple Abundance “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)1 These words of Jesus, spoken during his Sermon on the Mount, offer a profound yet simple principle for living a life of purpose and fulfillment. […]


Money Moves by the Spirit

Money Moves by the Spirit: Stewarding Wealth in the Kingdom of God The concept of “money moves by the Spirit” may seem unusual at first. We often think of finances as a secular realm, governed by market forces and personal ambition. Yet, the Bible presents a radically different perspective: that wealth, in all its forms, […]


You Are Where Your Attention Takes You

The Garden of Your Mind: Cultivating Attention in a World of Distractions The human mind is a garden. Left untended, it can become overrun with weeds – anxieties, distractions, and unhelpful thoughts that choke the growth of peace and joy. But with careful cultivation, this same garden can blossom with fruits of the Spirit: love, […]


Alignment with the Father’s Heart

Living as a Reflection: Embracing the Father’s Heart In the tapestry of Christian life, we often find ourselves grappling with questions of purpose, direction, and ultimately, surrender. Jesus, our ultimate example, offers a profound framework for navigating these complexities.1 He calls us to a life of radical obedience, mirroring the Father’s actions, relinquishing our own […]


Some Making a Difference, Having Compassion

Awakening the Better Angels: Living a Life of Christ-like Compassion “The better angels of our nature…” These words, immortalized by Abraham Lincoln, resonate with a deep truth about the human spirit. Within each of us exists a capacity for kindness, empathy, and love.1 This inner voice urges us towards compassion, forgiveness, and selfless service. As […]


Christ in You is Your Father

Finding Your True Father’s Voice: Christ in You, Brotherhood in the World In the cacophony of voices vying for our attention, offering advice, and dictating how we should live our lives, it’s easy to feel lost. Friends, family, even well-meaning mentors can sometimes push their own agendas, subtly manipulating us with their own ideals and […]


Limit Your Counselors

The Fruit of the Counselor: Choosing Wisely Who Shapes Your Path Proverbs 11:14 declares, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”1 This verse highlights the vital role of seeking advice and wisdom from others in navigating the complexities of life.2 However, it begs a crucial […]