Jesus: Our All in All – What This Really Means:

Jesus: Our All in All – What This Really Means: 1 Corinthians 1:30 unveils a profound truth about the Christian faith: Jesus isn’t just a way to salvation; He is our salvation. This verse beautifully encapsulates the comprehensive nature of His gift to us, declaring that He “is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and […]


Baptism in the Holy Spirit – What Does It Mean and How do I Receive It:

Baptism in the Holy Spirit – What Does It Mean and How do I Receive It: The experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit is a significant aspect of faith for many Christians, yet its interpretation varies across denominations and individual experiences. It represents a pivotal moment of spiritual connection and empowerment, but the […]


What Does it Mean to Be Saved?

What Does it Mean to Be Saved? The concept of salvation is the beating heart of the Christian faith. It speaks to the core human longing for redemption, for release from the brokenness and alienation we experience in the world. But what is salvation? The answer, while rooted in a shared core belief, has branched […]


From Scrolls to Streams – The Church’s Evolving Relationship with Technology:

From Scrolls to Streams – The Church’s Evolving Relationship with Technology: The church, an institution deeply rooted in tradition, has often found itself at a crossroads with technological advancements. Throughout history, it has grappled with the integration of new technologies, sometimes with reluctance, other times with cautious embrace.1 This dance between tradition and innovation is […]


Following the Ark: Faith and Obedience

Following the Ark: Faith and Obedience:  We often find ourselves wondering, amidst the busyness and challenges of life, “What am I doing here?” Like the Israelites in the wilderness, we can lose sight of our purpose and become discouraged. This message explores the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the “ark” of our […]


Kingdom Endgame

Kingdom Endgame: In a world grappling with uncertainty and change, the timeless message of hope and deliverance found in scripture resonates deeply with those looking for more and longing for authenticity in their spiritual life. Paul said, “If in this life only we have hope, we are of all men most miserable!” (1 Cor. 15:19). […]


Spiritual Growth and Divine Power

Spiritual Growth and Divine Power: It is helpful for us to explore the transformative power of a life lived in Christ, focusing in this study on key scriptural principles that guide us from spiritual infancy to maturity. We will look into the profound implications of our freedom from condemnation, the indwelling presence of the Holy […]


Are Ministers Prostituting Their Calling? Exposing the Greed in God’s House

Tired of money grubbing preachers and religious grifters? Let’s be honest. The topic of money and ministry is a minefield. You’ve seen the televangelists with their jets, the “love offerings” that feel more like shakedowns, and the constant pressure to “give, give, give.” It’s enough to make anyone cynical. You’re not tight-fisted; you’re just tired of feeling manipulated. You believe in supporting God’s work, but you refuse to be a cash cow for someone’s personal empire.

But what if there’s a different way?

What if the biblical call to support ministry isn’t about lining someone’s pockets, but about fueling a movement? What if your giving could actually make a tangible difference, empowering those on the front lines, not just enriching those at the top?

This isn’t about guilt trips or gimmicks.

This article dares to challenge the conventional wisdom about ministry finances. It dives deep into scripture, exposing the truth about “freely give” and “the worker is worthy of his hire.” It confronts the hypocrisy of those who demand “free” ministry while living lavishly. And it offers a radical perspective on how we can support God’s work without getting scammed in the process.

Ready to ditch the donation fatigue and discover a more authentic approach to giving?

Click here to read more and discover the truth about supporting ministry – without feeling like you’re being taken for a ride. Prepare to have your assumptions challenged.


The Great Enlightenment

The Great Enlightenment:  Introduction “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6 KJV) This devotional explores the concept of spiritual enlightenment, drawing from the scriptures and […]


Preparing for the Kingdom

Preparing for the Kingdom:  Introduction In a world often filled with noise and distraction, the call to deepen our relationship with God and prepare our hearts for His Kingdom resonates with timeless urgency. This devotional explores the essential principles for cultivating spiritual growth and aligning our lives with God’s purpose. Through scriptural reflection and practical […]