The Kingdom Within

The Kingdom Within:  The Kingdom of Heaven, a spiritual realm established by Jesus, often eludes our understanding. We, like the Israelites of old, often look for outward signs and worldly displays, failing to recognize the transformative power of this inner kingdom. Jesus, however, emphasized its organic growth, like a seed planted in the earth, maturing […]


The Paradox of the Upward Way: 

The Paradox of the Upward Way:  We’ve all been there. Striving, reaching, pouring our hearts into something, only to feel like we’re slipping backward. Despite our best efforts to climb higher, we find ourselves descending. Dismay can creep in, whispering doubts and questioning our purpose. But what if this feeling of falling is actually part […]


The Journey of the New Testament Canon: From Scattered Writings to Sacred Scripture:

The Journey of the New Testament Canon: From Scattered Writings to Sacred Scripture: Have you ever wondered how the 27 books of the New Testament came to be bound together as the authoritative collection of Christian scripture? The formation of the New Testament canon was a fascinating and complex process, spanning several centuries and involving […]


What if Jesus was a “None”?

What if Jesus was “Spiritual but Not Religious?” Imagine a world where the familiar narrative of Christianity takes an unexpected turn. Instead of the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the agony in Gethsemane, and the crucifixion on Calvary, Jesus chooses a different path. He opts for a life of quiet contemplation and teaching, […]


Unearthing the Q Gospel: A Journey into the Heart of Jesus’ Teachings

Unearthing the Q Gospel: A Journey into the Heart of Jesus’ Teachings: In the realm of biblical scholarship, there lies a hidden treasure, a source of profound wisdom that has shaped the very foundations of Christianity. It is known as the Q Gospel, a hypothetical collection of Jesus’ sayings believed to predate the canonical Gospels […]


Feeling the Fire: Understanding the Charismatic and Pentecostal Movements

Feeling the Fire: Understanding the Charismatic and Pentecostal Movements:  A Deeper Dive into Spirit-Filled Christianity Have you ever heard of “charismatics” and “Pentecostals” and wondered what the difference was? Both groups are known for their vibrant worship and emphasis on the Holy Spirit, but there are some key distinctions that can help us better understand […]


Where Are the Prophets? A Call to Embrace the Prophetic Voice

Where Are the Prophets? A Call to Embrace the Prophetic Voice: We live in a world saturated with voices. Every day, we’re bombarded with opinions, analyses, and pronouncements on everything from politics to pop culture. Within the Christian community, we have a multitude of pastors, teachers, and leaders guiding and nurturing congregations. And that’s a […]


The Threshingfloor of God’s Purpose

A few years ago, the Lord told me that He was “Bringing us to rest on the threshing floor of His purpose.” This took place in a dream, and it woke me up sitting straight up in bed, knowing I had heard from heaven but frankly not realizing or understanding what this meant. What does […]


Activating Angels? A Closer Look at Daniel 10:12

Activating Angels? A Closer Look at Daniel 10:12 The idea of “activating angels” has become a popular topic in some Christian circles. While the Bible clearly shows angels actively involved in God’s plan, the notion that we can somehow command or control their actions through specific practices or formulas raises some concerns. We must approach […]


Dwelling in the “I AM” In Christ

Dwelling in the “I AM” In Christ –  The Illusion of Separation: Remembering Who We Are The Christian life is a journey of awakening, a process of remembering who we truly are in Christ. We are not isolated individuals struggling against a hostile world, but we are nonetheless, through the redemptive work of the Cross, […]