New Online Prophetic Classes Begin 4/29

NEW ONLINE PROPHETIC INTERNSHIP CLASSES Begin 4/29! Online Enrollment Now Open New Course 1 Classes Begin APRIL 29TH Note: You will be prophesied to by the whole class with your enrollment! We want to invite you to activate the voice of God in your life. For those who have never taken a prophetic course before, or […]


Spiritual Meteorology: You Can Set Your Own Season in God!

Available Now on Amazon (link) You can set your own season in God! You can predict the spiritual climate of your life and position yourself for blessing and breakthrough. In this latest book from Prophet Russ Walden you will discover a whole new depth of understanding the 7 Spirits of God and how they related […]


2015 and Beyond with Father's Heart Ministry (Video)

Casting the Vision with Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden. There comes a moment to cast the vision and make it plain regarding where God is going and where you are extending your faith. Prophets Russ and Kitty have leaned into the prophetic ministry since 2007 and reached multiplied tens of thousands with a message of […]


Request Prophetic Counseling

An In-depth Personal Prophetic Experience: “A one on one connection to a veteran prophet is a rare opportunity…”  You may schedule prophetic counseling using the calendar below. This is one of those rare times that you have an opportunity to connect to a veteran prophet with a powerful anointing. Getting one on one time with […]


Message from the Great Awakening Conference

The Great Awakening Conference exceeded all our expectations. The house was full, the excitement was palpable. People from all over the US and many from foreign countries gathered here in Branson and what a day we all shared! The hunger, the passion and the comaraderie in the Spirit was a predictor of things to come […]


Predictions by Notable People about an Ozarks Outpouring of Revival:

“Corrie Ten Boom stated – “The Lord has told me that the center of the Christian movement in the United States will begin in Northwest Arkansas.” A year or so later, standing in a field north of Harrison and in her spirit saw angels with drawn swords five deep as far as her spiritual eyes […]


Breaking Out of Desperate Situations

A Brother wrote in asking for prayer concerning desperate health and financial situations. Many of you face the same challenges so I am sharing with you what I gave to him: “Hello (brother)… we are praying for you and your spouse … exhaustion is often what I have learned is a Python spirit. Pythons attack […]


Are You Called to Be a Prophet?

1 Cor. 14:31 says “all may prophesy”. Prophecy is about hearing the voice of God and sharing what you hear for your benefit and the benefit of others. Beyond that, many are prophetic in nature and through prophetic gifting they connect with God’s purposes. Sitll others are actually called to the OFFICE of a Prophet. […]


Deep Calls to Deep – Prophetic Soaking (Video)

Prophetic soaking is the blending of anointed instrumentation and prophetic utterance directed to your heart in an intimate way. We are surrounded every day with influences and messages from the world that tear us down and distract us from God’s presence. Deep Calls to Deep is a powerful resource to draw you into the deep […]


New FHM App for Your Phone in the Android APP Market!

We now have our own APP in the Android Market that makes it much easier to connect with our Morning Light broadcasts and other on demand audio messages from Father’s Heart Ministry … much more we would like to do but this is a big leap forward in making what we do easier and more […]