Anticipating the Mayan Apocalypse (Video)

Is the Mayan calendar bogus? Before you dismiss it as another long line of failed doomsday predictions consider the fact that the Mayan prognosticators accurately predicted the date that Cortez would arrive on their shores. What does the bible say? What does prophetic insight reveal about 12/21/2012?


Baseline: 52 Week Basic Bible Study (VIDEO)

God is calling us to the deeps of His Spirit. Our passage to the trackless depths of God’s spirit requires first a grounding in the fundamentals of every day faith for the believer. Our new book “BASELINE: 52 Week Basic Bible Study” is a preview of our new book available at our online bookstore:


Face to Face with the Father: John the Revelator (VIDEO)

A groundbreaking work of prophetic fiction! This audio sample: John at Patmos. Purchase Face to Face with the Father at Face to Face with the Father is a chronicle of the men and women who saw the face of God and lived. In this work of Biblical fiction you will join men and women […]


Thank You and Our Breakthrough Prayer for Your Life!

Giving thanks is always appropriate and particularly during the holidays. In this video Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden share a special message of appreciation and a breakthrough prayer for your life. God bless you! (Click on the image to launch the video)  


What are You Thankful For?

It is always TIME to be thankful but this is that special season to do so. Use the comment feature below and tell us: what are you thankful for. Be specific if possible (what has happened this year you are particularly thankful for?) What about the people in your life? Things God has done for […]


Pre-Election Prophetic Round Table: Final Session (VIDEO)

The conclusion of an October 2012 prophetic round table that predicted the outcome of the election, hurricane Sandy and gives insight into the coming days and years on the political and economic scene. God has a voice He will not leave you without answers or information important to your life. Get the news before the […]


Pre-Election Prophetic Round Table Part 5: Compelled into the Harvest! (Video)

Events and happenings on the world scene alarm cause many to see a doom and gloom scenario ahead. In this video segment of a pre-election prophetic round table Prophet Russ Walden points out that this isn’t the devil getting the upper hand but rather God’s people being COMPELLED INTO THE HARVEST. Let the times we […]


Pre-Election Prophetic Round Table: Don't Take Your Eyes off the Harvest!

Part four from the Pre-election Prophetic Round Table. Prophet Kitty Walden shares a vision of cities of refuge in difficult times and the clarion call: “Don’t take your eyes off the harvest!” (If the embed doesn’t play click on the Youtube Channel icon at the right and you can watch the video directly from Youtube). […]


Pre-Election Prophetic Round Table Part 2: Walter Waller "Word to My America"

Prophet Walter Waller prophesies below in a pre-election Prophetic Round Table. In mid-October Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden held a closed door prophetic round table with several prophetic voices from around the country. In this meeting Walter Waller shared insights on a word the Father gave him some weeks before revealing the Father’s Heart for […]