October War Room Prayer Event (Video)

Enjoy video from the recent WAR ROOM PRAYER EVENT. The Mediachurch.net gathers every month for a live, online, streaming prayer event. These prayer times gather Mediachurch.net members and guests from around the world for a powerful time of ruling and reigning. Prayer isn’t begging or pleading – prayer is ruling and reigning. Every month Russ […]


Shout the Shout Conference in Branson Missouri Oct. 12

Join Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden in Branson Missouri on October 12th for the climactic conclusion of the Jericho Drive: You were BLESSED! You were ACTIVATED! Your LIFE was CHANGED when you JOINED US in the Jericho Drive when we came to your area – NOW: You are invited to join us as we SHOUT […]


God Made You a Windwalker (Video)

In Lancaster Pennsylvania Prophets Russ and Kitty share with a packed room the truths of what it means to WALK in the SPIRIT of God as a PRINCIPALITY AND A POWER IN THE EARTH. (Video Below)     [vsw id=”NBJfrkBj7VI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


Financial Breakthrough and Kingdom Economics (Video)

It is heartbreaking the stories we hear of financial suffering and hardship as we travel throughout the US and hear from supporters abroad. In this video Prophet Russ shares the keys he has experienced in his own life that took him from homelessness to serving in a world wide prophetic ministry (Video Below).   [vsw […]


Breaking the Bands of Python in Your Life (Video)

Satan is exposed as a serpent in the scripture. There are two kinds of serpents, constrictors and vipers. The python spirit attack sleeping victims – this is what the scriptures call on you to AWAKE TO RIGHTEOUSNESS. In the Chicago prophetic meeting, Russ and Kitty Walden share keys on breaking the bands of the Python […]


St. Louis Prophetic Meeting (Video)

Video from the St. Louis Prophetic Meeting on 8/27 [vsw id=”9CpYCSPVr5U” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”] God spoke to us that there would be a Outpouring in the I-70 Corridor that would include the city of St. Louis. Kenneth Hagin Sr. also prophesied this in 1997 saying: “In October in St. Louis, the center and heart […]


Prophetic Gathering in Chicago on August 30th

Join Prophets Russ and Kitty Walden in Chicago for a time of prophetic ministry. On August 30th the Jericho Drive arrives in Chicago to preach, teach and prophesy according to the mandate God gave us over a year ago. You are invited to a Prophetic Gathering! (RSVP Required) [see below for registration link]  Chicago is […]


Introduction to Personal Prophecy (Video)

Introducing Personal Prophecy: Personal Prophecy is a Specific, Declarative Breakthrough Tool Given By God to Put you Over in Life: Personal Prophecy is one of the activities you will see in our meetings and a ministry that you can receive upon request on our website. A personal prophesy is a specific type of declarative prayer […]


Your Invitation to Mediachurch.net (Video)

I want to invite you to visit MediaChurch.net. Mediachurch.net is church 2.0 Reloaded for Your Life! Media Church is your church home online and is part of the core ministry of Father’s Heart Ministry. Mediachurch.net is accessible 24/7 to care, mentor and instruct you in your Christian walk. As your pastors we make ourselves available […]


Introduction to the Prophetic Internship (Video)

We want to invite you to activate the voice of God in your life. We conduct a 12 week hands on prophetic internship with lessons, videos and activations to teach and train you how to hear from God for yourself and for others. When you join the prophetic internship activation course you will be prophesied […]