Morning Light – January 3rd, 2018 – Zecheriah 9: Zecheriah Prophesies the Triumph of Christ over the Grave

Source: Today: [Zecheriah 9] Zecheriah Prophesies the Triumph of Christ over the Grave: In chapter 9 of Zecheriah, the prophet describes salvation being brought not only to the ethnic Jews but to those among the Gentiles who would believe on His name. He further speaks by the Spirit of God of Jesus ascending into […]


Morning Light – January 2nd, 2018 – Zecheriah 8: Settling the Issue of Jerusalem

Source: Today: [Zecheriah 8] Settling the Issue of Jerusalem. Is the church the Jerusalem of prophecy? When the scriptures speak of the future restoration of the city of David, does it only apply to natural Israel, or is there some application that connects with the purposes of God in the church as well? In […]


Morning Light – December 29th, 2017 – Zecheriah 7: How Often Should We Fast?

Source: Today: [Zecheriah 7] How Often Should We Fast? In Zecheriah 7 a delegation of leaders come to the prophet inquiring about the continuance of certain holy days, and times of fasting that had been conducted during the captivity. Zecheriah challenges the validity of the question, pointing out far more important priorities among the […]


Morning Light – December 28th, 2017 – Zecheriah 6: The Four Living Creatures

Source: Today: [Zecheriah 6] The Four Living Creatures: In Zech. 6 we are introduced to the four living spirits that stand before God’s throne. They represent something of God’s making not only in the heavens but also within our own lives. They are tasked with “quieting the Lord’s Spirit in the earth”. The meaning […]


Morning Light – December 26th, 2017 – Zecheriah 4: By My Spirit says the Lord!

Source: Today: [Zecheriah 4] By My Spirit says the Lord! In Zecheriah 4 the prophet is given a word to the governor of Jerusalem regarding how the restoration temple would be built. It is a message a relevant for those of us today as it was for these struggling returnees 2500 years ago. […]


Morning Light – December 20th, 2017 – Zecheriah 1: The Introduction of a Seer

Source: Today: [Zecheriah 1] The Introduction of a Seer. In the book of Zecheriah we have an excellent example of a seer prophet. Zecheriah experiences several visions during the time that Haggai was prophesying. Zecheriah’s ministry is quite different than that of Haggai, but his message confirms the call to rebuild the temple, and […]