Morning Light – Galatians 4: Are You Set as a Son?

Source: Today: [Galatians 4:] Are You Set as a Son? In Galatians 4 Paul speaks of being adopted in Christ. Do you understand what the scriptural concept of adoption is? It has little in common with the practice of adopting orphans as we know it today. Paul’s contention in this chapter is that we […]


Morning Light – Galatians 3: Moving from Law to Grace by Faith

Source: Today: [Galatians 3:] Moving from Law to Grace by Faith: In Gal. 3 Paul speaks against the mesmerism of religious legalism and proclaims freedom and blessing over the Galatian believers that has nothing to do with earning or being good enough. In Christ, the law has worked its work to bring us to […]


Morning Light – Galatians 2: Delivered From Religious Expectations

Source: Today: [Galatians 2:] Delivered From Religious Expectations: In chapter 2 of Galatians Paul recounts the controversies that took place in Jerusalem when he visits there after 14 years. He was expected to defer to the racist and legalistic attitudes of the church there which he refuses to do even to the point of […]


Morning Light – Galatians 1: Make Your Calling and Election Sure

Source: Today: [Galatians 1:] Make Your Calling and Election Sure: In Galatians 1 Paul begins by reciting his testimony to the Galatian churches in his letter. He has things to deal with in their midst and wants to establish his authority to speak over them, an authority that doesn’t originate with man but with […]


Morning Light – 2 Corinthians 13: Giving Others a Clean Slate

Source: Today: [2 Corinthians 13:] Giving Others a Clean Slate: In the concluding chapter of 2 Corinthians Paul prepares the people for his arrival and third visit among them. He has heard many controversies are taking place. Informers have told him many things, and he wants to help restore the church to its original […]


Morning Light – 2 Corinthians 12: What was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh?

Source: Today: [2 Corinthians 12:] What was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh? In 2 Cor. 12 we find Paul disclosing profound visions and visitations from God. He also discusses what we know as his “thorn in the flesh.” Much theology springs from this passage of scripture. Do you have a thorn in the flesh? […]


Morning Light – 2 Corinthians 11: The Pedigree of an Apostle

Source: Today: [2 Corinthians 11:] The Pedigree of an Apostle. In Corinth, the validity and authenticity of Paul’s calling are brought into question. He answers his detractors with a recitation of his apostolic credentials. What about your own life or the church you attend? Would your pastor? Would you accept an apostolic ministry if […]


Morning Light – 2 Corinthians 10: What Spiritual Warfare is – and Is Not

Source: Today: [2 Corinthians 10:] What Spiritual Warfare is – and Is Not. In our chapter today Paul addresses areas of spiritual warfare whose concepts are very different from our ideas today. What is spiritual warfare? How do we conduct it? Where does the battle rage? In today’s study, we will discover what Paul […]


Morning Light – 2 Corinthians 9: Giving to those in Need

Source: Today: [2 Corinthians 9:] Giving to those in Need: Can you name a single impoverished person that you have given to lately? Chapter 9 of 2 Corinthians in its entirety is an appeal to care for the poor. It isn’t the job of an institution. It is a personal responsibility that is a […]


Morning Light – 2 Corinthians 8: He Became Poor so that You Could be Rich

Source: Today: [2 Corinthians 8:] He Became Poor so that You Could be Rich: In our chapter today Paul declares the price that Jesus paid so that you could be delivered from all poverty and lack. Deceivers insist v. 9 has nothing whatsoever to do with money. The context of the chapter reveals otherwise. […]