Morning Light – 1 Timothy 6: Class Warfare and the Kingdom Perspective

Source: Today: [1 Timothy 6:] Class Warfare and the Kingdom Perspective: In the final chapter of 1 Timothy Paul addresses the subject of slaves and masters. Servants are to remember in spite of their station in life that they are not excused from the dictates of good Christian character just because they are disadvantaged. […]


Morning Light – 1 Timothy 5: Rebuke, Qualification, and Conduct

Source: Today: [1 Timothy 5:] Rebuke, Qualification, and Conduct: In this chapter, Paul gives many instructions to Timothy that reveal to us that leadership in the early church was not a hands-off affair. Christian leaders watched carefully over their number and often intervened in ways that today would be considered intrusive and even offensive. […]


Morning Light – 1 Timothy 4: Beware of Vagabond Winds

Source: Today: [1 Timothy 4:] Beware of Vagabond Winds: In chapter 4 of 1 Timothy Paul warns of increasing spiritual deception in the end times. What constitutes deception in our day? Where does it lead? How do we identify it? Paul addressed these and several other critical areas of life and experience whereby believers […]


Morning Light – 1 Timothy 3: Is Your Church in Good Order?

Source: Today: [1 Timothy 3:] Is Your Church in Good Order? In our chapter we see Paul defining leadership roles and good order in the church. As an apostle, Timothy was responsible for the character and conduct of the church in Ephesus. In our day we do not recognize the ministry of the apostle. […]


Morning Light – 1 Timothy 2: Woman! Use Your Powers for Good!

Source: Today: [1 Timothy 2:] Woman! Use Your Powers for Good! In this chapter, Paul makes extremely incendiary remarks about women and their role in culture and the early church specifically. It is unlikely you have ever considered these passages in the light that they are examined in this study. Listen Daily at […]


Morning Light – 1 Timothy 1: Do We Need Apostles Today?

Source: Today: [1 Timothy 1:] Do We Need Apostles Today? The majority of professing Christians today reject the idea that God would call anyone to be an apostle in modern time. In 1 Timothy we get a look at what we are missing. This letter is a personal communication between a seasoned apostle and […]


Morning Light – 2 Thessalonians 3: Be Quiet and Mind Your Own Business!

Source: Today: [2 Thessalonians 3:] Be Quiet and Mind Your Own Business! In the closing chapter of 2 Thessalonians Paul takes direct aim at idle and meddlesome Christians. He instructs the congregation to separate themselves from these malcontents for the sake of the solidarity of the church and the character of their testimony. Do […]


Morning Light – 2 Thessalonians 2: Is President Donald Trump the Anti-Christ?

Source: Today: [2 Thessalonians 2:] Is President Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? In 2 Thessalonians Paul seeks to comfort and stabilize an alarmed group of people who have been sold a bill of goods suggesting that the end times had already occurred and left them in a reprobate state. There are many such alarmist influences […]


Morning Light – 2 Thessalonians 1: The Parousia Revealed

Source: Today: [2 Thessalonians 1:] The Parousia Revealed. In chapter 1 of 2 Thessalonians Paul writes a second letter to the troubled congregation in this city of Macedonia. Brutal persecution is ongoing, and many questions about the resurrection that Paul referred to in his first letter have left the people in dismay. Paul comforts […]


Morning Light – 1 Thessalonians 5: For Whom Does Jesus Come as a Thief in the Night?

Source: Today: [1 Thessalonians 5:] For Whom Does Jesus Come as a Thief in the Night? In the final chapter of 1 Thessalonians Paul delineates the meaning of the coming of Christ for two groups – believers and unbelievers. Furthermore, he mandates what the conduct and practice of the church should be toward its […]