[John 4:27-54] The Aftermath of a Power Encounter: In John 4 Part 2, the disciples come upon Jesus talking with the woman at the well. They are amazed that He would have anything to do with her. The people of the city come out at her word, and after meeting Jesus themselves, they believe also. […]
READ MORECategory: Morning Light Bible Study
Morning Light – John 4 Part 1: Turning Offense into Opportunity
Turning Offense into Opportunity. In chapter 4 of John Jesus gives us an iconic example of lifestyle evangelism. It begins with a tense exchange with a person of a different gender, ethnicity, and religious belief than His own. The woman initially insults Jesus and taunts Him publicly. How did you respond the last time […]
READ MOREMorning Light – John 3 Part 2: The Salvation of the Cosmos
The Salvation of the Cosmos: In part 2 of John 3 the purpose of God in sending Jesus is declared. Jesus didn’t just come to save the individual, He came to save the world. The world spoken of here is a reference to the entire human family. Is this possible? Through Jesus Christ our lord. […]
READ MOREMorning Light – John 3 Part 1: Is Being Born Again a Requirement?
[John 3:1-16] Is Being Born Again a Requirement? In John 3, we find in the words of Jesus to Nicodemas that comprise the basis of our belief in the born again experience. What does it mean to be born again? Can a person outside of Christ have any hope of clemency before God’s throne […]
READ MOREMorning Light – John 2: Jesus Turns Water into Wine
[John 2] Jesus Turns Water into Wine: In chapter 2, Jesus attends a wedding in Cana and solves a hospitality problem by turning water into wine. In this act, His first miracle there is a type and shadow of a Third Day promise for us that there is an outpouring of New Wine of God’s […]
READ MOREMorning Light – John 1 Part 2: Jesus Calls the Disciples
[John 1 Part 2] Jesus Calls the Disciples: Have you heard the call to follow Jesus? What does that mean? In part 2 of John 1, John the Baptist from the banks of the Jordan declares, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” Angels appear and the Holy Spirit […]
READ MOREMorning Light -John 1 Part 1: The Logos of God Among Us
[John 1 Part 1] The Logos of God Among Us: The Gospel of John is of a character far different than Matthew, Mark, or Luke. The first three gospels are assertive concerning who Christ is. They declare Jesus to an unbelieving world. The Gospel of John is a presumptive gospel maintaining that Jesus was more […]
READ MOREMorning Light – Luke 24: He is Not Here. He is Risen!
[Luke 24] He is Not Here. He is Risen! In the closing chapter of the gospel of Luke, we find Jesus interacting and announcing Himself to His amazed followers. He imparts to them the opening of their eyes and privileges them to witness His ascension into Heaven. For all the message of the gospel that […]
READ MOREMorning Light – Luke 23 Part 2: Jesus is Crucified
Jesus is Crucified. In part 2 of Luke 23, Jesus is taken to Calvary and crucified between two criminals. The people gather around Him mocking while Jesus intercedes for His executioners all the while. As the grim matter continues, darkness settles upon the scene as though the sun refuses to shine its light on the […]
READ MOREMorning Light – Luke 23 Part 1: Our Sins Take Jesus to Golgotha
[Luke 23 Part 1] Our Sins Take Jesus to Golgotha: In chapter 23, Jesus is beaten and brutalized first at the high priest’s residence, then at Pilate’s judgment hall. We can only wince at the brutal violence of the mistreatment Jesus suffers, but the greater truth is that it is our sin and not just […]